
Upcoming Events
Calling for entriesn Mural contest. Celebrating Ventura College's 100th Anniversary. $3,000 award for best design. Submission deadline is May 10th by 5pm. For more details, please visit

Mural Design Contest | Submit by May 10

The Laurel Project, Friday April 12, 7:30 p.m. Ventura College, Rovshan Mamedkuliev, guitar

The Laurel Project | April 12

Location: Ventura College
UCSB - UC Santa Barbara Tour, Saturday April 13, 2024, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m., Students must register to attend

UCSB Tour with VC | April 13

Location: Ventura College
Aprende ingles este verano, las clases son gratis, Orientaciones 15 de abril, 6 de mayo, 6 p.m., Ventura College East Campus, 957 Faulker Road #106 in Santa Paula, Llama 805-289-6100

ESL Orientation | April 15

Location: Ventura College East Campus
Ventura College Class of 2024 Grad Fair April 15 Bookstore Quad 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.

Grad Fair | April 15

Location: Ventura College
Ventra College Class of 2024 Grad Fair Brunch April 16 Bookstore Quad 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Grad Fair Brunch | April 16

Location: Ventura College